Alon Ascoli
Developing theoretical concepts enabling to harness the peculiar capabilities of disruptive nanotechnologies to overcome the limitations of traditional circuits and systems.
Dalibor Biolek
Discovering is like the never-ending process of finding solutions to puzzles, with intuition used as a white stick and endurance as the driving force. Endurance is the daughter of curiosity, with both of them being born in the heart.
Erika Covi
Combine memristive devices and CMOS technology to reproduce computational primitives of the brain in mixed neuromorphic-memristive hardware.
Judith Driscoll
We can show how to get uniform, low temperature grown, CMOS compatible materials with excellent endurance and retention.
Mattia Frasca
I’m particularly interested to applications of memristors in control of complex networks.
Thomas Kämpfe
Co-Optimization of materials, integration, device, circuits for memristor systems.
Neil Kemp
Discover new nanophysics-based phenomena that can be applied to real-world electronic applications.
Shahar Kvatinsky
Revolutionize computer architecture and systems by integrating emerging technologies in a non-conventional manner.
C. K. Michael Tse
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.
The Little Prince