Technische Universität Dresden


Prof. Tony Kenyon
University College London
Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
Professor of Nanoelectronic & Nanophotonic Materials
Torrington Place – London WC1E 7JE

Phone: +442076793270

Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics Lab at UCL

Research Field and Activities

  • Resistive switching devices
  • Non-volatile memories
  • Memristive devices and systems
  • Machine Learning
  • Neuromorphic devices and systems
  • Application of nanostructured materials to optoelectronics, photonics and nanoelectronics

Short Biography

Prof Tony Kenyon is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, a Fellow of the IET and a Senior Member of the IEEE. He is a member of the IEEE Electron Devices Society, IEEE Nanotechnology Council and the Executive Committee of the European Materials Research Society (EMRS). For the past 24 years he has worked in the Electronic and Electrical Engineering department at UCL, currently holding the post of Professor of Nanoelectronic & Nanophotonic Materials. His group’s work focuses on the application of nanostructured materials to optoelectronics, photonics and nanoelectronics; significant achievements include the first report of excitation exchange between Si nanoclusters and lanthanide ions, identification of luminescence mechanisms in Si nanoclusters, demonstration of EL from Si nanoclusters, development of resistive switching technology based on silicon oxide, and Si nanocluster-sensitised erbium LEDs with record efficiency. He has 23 years’ experience in photonic & electronic materials and thin film growth & characterisation, and has studied the electronic and optical properties of Si-rich silica and Si nanoclusters since 1994. He has presented invited talks at the Royal Society, MRS, EMRS and the Electrochemical Society, amongst others. He is co-founder and co-director of Intrinsic Semiconductor Technologies. (

References / Publications

  • Tony Kenyon. “Recent developments in rare-earth doped materials for optoelectronics.” Progress in Quantum Electronics, vol. 26, no. 4-5, 2002, pp. 225-284.

  • Mario Lanza, H.-S. Philip Wong, Eric Pop, Daniele Ielmini, Dmitri Strukov, Bruce C. Regan, Luca Larcher, Tony Kenyon, et al. “Recommended methods to study resistive switching devices.” Advanced Electronic Materials, vol. 5, no. 1, 2019, article 1800143.

  • Adnan Mehonic, Tony Kenyon. “Brain-inspired computing needs a master plan.” Nature, vol. 604, no. 7905, 2022, pp. 255-260.

  • Tony Kenyon. “Erbium in silicon.” Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 20, no. 12, 2005, article R65.

  • Adnan Mehonic, Sébastien Cueff, Marcin Wojdak, Stephen Hudziak, Olivier Jambois, Christophe Labbé, Richard Rizk, Tony Kenyon. “Resistive switching in silicon suboxide films.” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 111, no. 7, 2012, article 074507.

  • Tony Kenyon, Philip F. Trwoga, Marco Federighi, C. W. Pitt. “Optical properties of PECVD erbium-doped silicon-rich silica: evidence for energy transfer between silicon microclusters and erbium ions.” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 6, no. 21, 1994, pp. L319-L324.

  • Philip F. Trwoga, Tony Kenyon, C. W. Pitt. “Modeling the contribution of quantum confinement to luminescence from silicon nanoclusters.” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 83, no. 7, 1998, pp. 3789-3794.

  • Adnan Mehonic, Abu Sebastian, Bipin Rajendran, Osvaldo Simeone, Evangeline Vasilaki, Tony Kenyon. “Memristors—from in-memory computing, deep learning acceleration, spiking neural networks, to the future of neuromorphic and bio-inspired computing.” Advanced Intelligent Systems, vol. 2, no. 11, 2020, article 2000085.

  • p F. Trwoga, C. W. Pitt, G. Rehm. “The origin of photoluminescence from thin films of silicon‐rich silica.” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 79, no. 12, 1996, pp. 9291-9300.

  • Tony Kenyon, C. E. Chryssou, C. W. Pitt, Tsutomu Shimizu-Iwayama, D. E. Hole, M. G. Scott. “Luminescence from erbium-doped silicon nanocrystals in silica: Excitation mechanisms.” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 91, no. 1, 2002, pp. 367-374.

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