Spyridon Nikolaidis
School of Physics
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Thessaloniki, Greece
Email: snikolaid@physics.auth.gr
Tel: (+30) 231099-8078
Spyridon ‘Spiros’ Nikolaidis received the Diploma and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from Patras University, Greece, in 1988 and 1994 respectively. Since September 1996 he has been with the Department of Physics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece where he is currently a full professor. He also belongs to the contract teaching staff of the Hellenic Open University since 2003. He is employed in the area of digital circuit and system design. His current research interests include: modeling the operations of basic CMOS structures, development of analytical expressions for the propagation delay and the power consumption of logic gates, design of high speed and low power digital circuit and embedded systems, modeling the power consumption of embedded processors. He is author and co-author in more than 160 scientific articles in international journals and conference proceedings while his work has taken more than 1500 references (google scholar). Two articles presented in international conferences were achieved honorary awards. He contributed in three scientific book chapters. He was member of the organization committee of three international conferences. He organizes the annual International Conference on Modern Circuit and System Technologies (MOCAST) as well as the 27th International Symposium on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation for 2017. He also contributes to a number of research projects funded by European Union and Greek Government where in many of that he has the scientific responsibility. He is a Senior member of IEEE.