Technische Universität Dresden

Rodrigo Picos

Let’s see what happens if we press this button…


Prof. Rodrigo Picos

Industrial Engineering and Construction

Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB)


Telephone: (+34) 971 17 30 0

Research Field and Activities

  • Memristive device modeling
  • Device modeling
  • Power timing and modeling
  • Circuit modeling and analysis
  • Radiation effects

Short Biography

Rodrigo Picos (born 1973) received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Universitat de less Illes Balears (UIB), Palma (Illes Palears), Spain, in 1998 and 2006, respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor with the Physics Department, UIB. His research interests include compact-device modeling, radiation effects, and circuit testing.



  • Using Memristor Formalism in Semiconductor Device Modeling, R Picos, E Garcia-Moreno, MM Al Chawa, LO Chua, ECS Meeting Abstracts, 2048-2048    2017
  • Semiempirical modeling of reset transitions in unipolar resistive-switching based memristors, R Picos, JB Roldan, MMA Chawa, P Garcia-Fernandez, …arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.01533    2017
  • Bipolar resistive switching in Si/Ag nanostructures, C Dias, H Lv, R Picos, P Aguiar, S Cardoso, PP Freitas, J Ventura, Applied Surface Science    2017
  • A physically based circuit model to account for variability in memristors with resistive switching operation, R Picos, JB Roldan, MM Al Chawa, F Jimenez-Molinos, E Garcia-Moreno, Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems (DCIS), 2016 Conference on, 1-6    2016
  • Modeling the variation of threshold voltage, mobility factor and saturation coefficient in amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc Oxide thin film transistors, Y Hernandez-Barrios, F Avila, M Estrada, A Cerdeira, O Moldovan, …Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE), 2016
  • Hafnium-Indium-Zinc oxide thin film transistors using HfO 2 as gate dielectric, with both layers deposited by RF sputtering, CA Pons-Flores, I Hernandez, M Estrada, I Garduño, A Cerdeira, J Tinoco, …Microelectronics Technology and Devices (SBMicro), 2016 31st Symposium on, 1-4    2016
  • The experimental model of a non-ideal memristor, R Picos, SG Stavrinides, A Theodorakakos, E Hatzikraniotis, Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), 2016 5th International …    2016
  • An analytical energy model for the reset transition in unipolar resistive-switching RAMs, MM Al Chawa, R Picos, E Garcia-Moreno, SG Stavrinides, JB Roldan, …Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), 2016 18th Mediterranean, 1-4    2016
  • A non-deal memristor device, A Theodorakakos, SG Stavrinides, E Hatzikraniotis, R Picos, Memristive Systems (MEMRISYS) 2015 International Conference on, 1-2    2015
  • Exploring ReRAM-based memristors in the charge-flux domain, a modeling approach, R Picos, JB Roldan, MM Al Chawa, F Jimenez-Molinos, MA Villena, …, Memristive Systems (MEMRISYS) 2015 International Conference on, 1-2    2015
  • SPICE model for unipolar RRAM based on a flux-controlled memristor,E Garcia-Moreno, R Picos, MM Al-Chawa, Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC), 2015 IEEE International Autumn …    2015