Research Field and Activities
Prof. Dr. Rainer Waser
RWTH Aachen University
Institut für Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik 2
Sommerfeldstraße 18/24, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Telephone: +49 241 80-27812
Rainer Waser received his PhD in physical chemistry at the University of Darmstadt in 1984, and worked at the Philips Research Laboratory, Aachen, until he was appointed Professor at the faculty for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the RWTH Aachen University in 1992 and director of the Institute for Electronic Materials at the Forschungszentrum Jülich, in 1997. He is member of the Emerging Research Devices working group of the ITRS, and he has been collaborating with major semiconductor industries in Europe, the US, and the Far East. Since 2002, he has been the coordinator and spokesman of the research program on Nanoelectronic Systems in Information Technology within the Germany national research centres in the Helmholtz Association. In 2007, he has been co-founder of the Jülich-Aachen Research Alliance, section Fundamentals of Future Information Technology (JARA-FIT). Together with Professor Wuttig, he heads a collaborative research center on resistively switching chalcogenides for future electronics (SFB 917) which comprises of 14 institutes within JARA-FIT and has been funded by the German national science foundation (DFG) since 2011. In 2014, Rainer Waser received the Leibniz Prize of the DFG for his work on the phenomenon of redox-based resistive switching.
“Nanoionics-Based Resistive Switching Memories”
Authors: Rainer Waser, Masakazu Aono
Journal: Nature Materials, 2007
Summary: This paper discusses the principles of nanoionic resistive switching mechanisms and their potential applications in non-volatile memory devices.
“Redox-Based Resistive Switching Memories – Nanoionic Mechanisms, Prospects, and Challenges”
Authors: Rainer Waser, Regina Dittmann, Georgi Staikov, Kristof Szot
Journal: Advanced Materials, 2009
Summary: The authors provide an in-depth review of redox-based resistive switching memories, focusing on nanoionic mechanisms and future challenges.
“Switching the Electrical Resistance of Individual Dislocations in Single-Crystalline SrTiO₃”
Authors: Krzysztof Szot, Wolfgang Speier, Gustav Bihlmayer, Rainer Waser
Journal: Nature Materials, 2006
Summary: This study demonstrates how individual dislocations in SrTiO₃ can alter electrical resistance, contributing to the understanding of resistive switching phenomena.
“Resistive Switching Mechanism of TiO₂ Thin Films Grown by Atomic-Layer Deposition”
Authors: B. J. Choi, Doo Seok Jeong, S. K. Kim, C. Rohde, Rainer Waser, B. Reichenberg, S. Tiedke
Journal: Journal of Applied Physics, 2005
Summary: The paper investigates the resistive switching behavior of TiO₂ thin films fabricated using atomic-layer deposition, highlighting the underlying mechanisms.
“Complementary Resistive Switches for Passive Nanocrossbar Memories”
Authors: Eike Linn, Roland Rosezin, Carsten Kügeler, Rainer Waser
Journal: Nature Materials, 2010
Summary: This work introduces complementary resistive switches as a solution for implementing passive nanocrossbar memory architectures.
“Electrochemical Metallization Memories—Fundamentals, Applications, Prospects”
Authors: Ilia Valov, Rainer Waser, John R. Jameson, Michael N. Kozicki
Journal: Nanotechnology, 2011
Summary: The article reviews the fundamentals and potential applications of electrochemical metallization memories, a class of resistive switching devices.
“DC Electrical Degradation of Perovskite-Type Titanates: I, Ceramics”
Authors: Rainer Waser, Tudor Baiatu, Karl-Heinz Härdtl
Journal: Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 1990
Summary: This study examines the electrical degradation behavior of perovskite-type titanate ceramics under direct current stress.
“Electrical Properties of the Grain Boundaries of Oxygen Ion Conductors: Acceptor-Doped Zirconia and Ceria”
Authors: Xin Guo, Rainer Waser
Journal: Progress in Materials Science, 2006
Summary: The paper investigates the electrical properties of grain boundaries in acceptor-doped zirconia and ceria, which are important oxygen ion conductors.
“Chemical Solution Deposition of Electronic Oxide Films”
Authors: Robert W. Schwartz, Theodor Schneller, Rainer Waser
Journal: Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2004
Summary: This article reviews the chemical solution deposition techniques for fabricating electronic oxide films, discussing their advantages and challenges.
“Nanoelectronics and Information Technology”
Author: Rainer Waser
Publisher: Wiley-VCH, 2012
Summary: This book provides a comprehensive overview of advanced electronic materials and novel devices in the field of nanoelectronics and information technology.
Most relevant book:
“Nanoelectronics and Information Technology – Advanced Electronic Materials and Novel Devices”
Rainer Wasser (editor and author of the block instructions) 3rd, Completely Revised and Enlarged Edition, Wiley-VCH 1048 pages, full color