Technische Universität Dresden

Georgios Sirakoulis

My goal is to search for new types of computing paradigms through future and emergent electronic devices, circuits, models and architectures mainly with the help of memristor and other novel and emergent devices. If you are looking for a moto, then I would go with this one: Seize the day.


Prof. Sirakoulis Georgios

Electronics and Information Technology Systems Sector

University Campus Kimmeria, Building B, Office 1.22 (1st floor)


Telephone: +30 25410 79547

Research Field and Activities

  • Green and unconventional computing
  • High performance computing
  • Novel Paradigms of computing
  • Cyber-physical and embedded systems
  • Cellular automata theory and applications
  • FPGAs, modelling and simulation
  • Complex Systems

Short Biography

Dr. Georgios Sirakoulis ( received his Diploma degree and Master of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering (DECE) from the Democritus University of Thrace (DUTh), Greece in 1996 and his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from DECE at DUTh, Greece in 2001 and he is Associate Prof. with tenure in DECE at DUTh. He has published more than 100 papers (scholar citations: 2137, h-index:23) in international peer-reviewed journals, more than 125 papers in international conference proceedings and 14 guest-editorials. He is co-author of one national and one international book published by Springer entitled “Memristor-Based Nanoelectronic Computing Circuits and Architectures” and co-editor of 3 international books all published by Springer as well as co-author of 17 book chapters. He is also working together with Leon Chua and Andrew Adamatzky of the next edition of Handbook of Memristor Networks to be published by Springer. He has organized more than 20 international conferences/workshops worldwide and he has been PC member and is some cases Session Chair of 142 Conferences in the past 10 years. He has delivered 18 invited talks all over the world, with the most recent ones in IEEE ICECS 2015 (tutorial), Wise Design 2015, IC4N 2016 and SICC 2017. He serves as Associate Editor in “Microelectronics Journal”, “Integration, the VLSI journal”, “International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems”, “International Journal of Unconventional Computing,” “Journal of Cellular Automata”, and “Parallel Processing Letters,”. Furthermore, he is serving as Visiting Professor in University of West England from 2014 as well as member of Institute of Unconventional Computing. For the period 2014-2015 he has also served as Visiting Professor in Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie in Warsaw, Poland and for 2013 spring semester in AGH University in Krakow, Poland. He has participated as leader and principal investigator in more than 24 scientific programs and projects funded from the Greek Government and Industry as well as the European Commission and among other he serves as a substitute MC in COST ACTION IC1401 Memristors – Devices, Models, Circuits, Systems and Applications (MemoCiS) 2014-2018. His research emphasis is on Nanoelectronics and nanotechnology, future and emergent electronic devices, circuits, models and architectures (memristors, quantum cellular automata etc.). More research interests can be found under the next point.

References / Teachings