Technische Universität Dresden

Edge of Chaos paper selected as JETCAS Spotlight Article

🌟 Exciting News! 🌟

We are thrilled to announce that our paper, published in the IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS) 2022, has been recognized as a Highlight Paper for 2022!

“Edge of Chaos Explains Prigogine’s Instability of the Homogeneous”
Authors: A. Ascoli, A.S. Demirkol, R. Tetzlaff, and L.O. Chua

IEEE JETCAS, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 804-820, 2022
DOI: 10.1109/JETCAS.2022.3221156

This recognition is a testament to the importance of our work in advancing the understanding of Prigogine’s Instability and the role of the Edge of Chaos in complex systems.


Leon O. Chua’s 88th Jubilee: A Double-Eight Legacy

On June 28, 2024, Prof. Leon O. Chua, IEEE Life Fellow and a prominent theoretician in non-linear circuits, neural networks and chaotic systems, celebrated his 88th birthday. Renowned for his groundbreaking contributions to non-linear circuit theory and cellular neural network theory. Prof. Chua’s legacy is deeply interwoven with the iconic “8-shape” hysteresis loop, the fingerprint of Chua’s memristor, which he first theorized in 1971. The year 2024 (2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8) which also refers his Jubilee (88), marks this “Double-Eight” milestone.

Prof. Chua’s illustrious career is decorated with numerous prestigious awards, including the inaugural IEEE Gustav Kirchhoff Award, the IEEE EDS Celebrated Member Award, and the prestigious Guggenheim Fellow. His theoretical insights have revolutionized how we understand and design nonlinear systems, inspiring generations of researchers worldwide.

On this momentous occasion, Prof. Dalibor Biolek pays tribute to Prof. Chua’s remarkable legacy in the paper Leon Chua and His Double-Eight Fingerprint [CAS Education] [1]. This comprehensive review explores the profound impact of Prof. Chua’s work, from the foundations of memristor theory to his transformative contributions to chaotic systems, cellular neural networks, and non-linear circuits.

[1] D. Biolek, “Leon Chua and His Double-Eight Fingerprint [CAS Education],” in IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 70-78, Fourthquarter 2024, doi: 10.1109/MCAS.2024.3462298.


CMC members at ICNCE2024

Numerous CMC scientists followed the invitation of the colleagues in Aachen and Jülich to the ICNCE2024, the International Conference on Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering in Aachen. From 3.-6. June participants from the disciplines Neuroscience & Brain Research, Electrical Engineering & Material Physics, and Computer Science & AI Research, exchanged their understanding of the brain and brain-inspired technologies like artificial synapses with memristive devices.

Further Impressions


International Conference on Memristive Phenomena in Chalcogenides and Beyond

The Electronic Materials Research Laboratory (EMRL) led by Prof. Dr. Rainer Waser invites for contributions to the conference held in Berchtesgaden, Germany, from May 22nd—25th 2023.

Please find more information here:


Call for Papers: 14th Spanish Conference on Electronic Devices

The 14th Spanish Conference on Electron Devices (CDE 2023), coinciding with its Silver Jubilee,  will be held in València, from 6th  to 8th of June 2023 at the ADEIT Center (Universitat de València), located in the historic city centre.

Over the past 25 years the Spanish Conference on Electron Devices has served as the major venue for the presentation of the latest progress in current and emerging electron devices and technologies developed by Spanish research groups. Previous events took place successfully every two years in Sevilla (2021), Salamanca (2018), Barcelona (2017), Aranjuez (2015), Valladolid (2013), Palma de Mallorca (2011), Santiago de Compostela (2009), El Escorial (2007), Tarragona (2005), Calella de la Costa (2003), Granada (2001), Madrid (1999) and Barcelona (1997).

The official language of the conference is English. The conference program will consist of invited and contributed papers organized in topic sessions. Roundtables and other interesting events will be also celebrated. Contributed papers accepted for the conference will be presented either orally or by poster. An extended version of the accepted abstracts can be submitted to be included in the Conference Proceedings published in IEEE Xplore. There will be prizes for the best posters and oral presentations defended by students.

Further information:


Special Issue “Memristor Cellular Nonlinear Networks: Theory and Applications”

Announcement: The deadline for submission of papers for the Special Issue on Memristor Cellular Neural Networks: Theory and Applications of the journal Mathematics (section Engineering Mathematics) is extended to September 30, 2022.

In this Special Issue, the following topics will be covered: 

– Memristor Cellular Neural Networks (MCNNs) operating on edge of chaos; 
– Simulations of MCNNs operating on edge of chaos regime; 
– Pattern formation in MCNN models; 
– Simulation of MCNNs operating on edge of chaos regime; 
– Applications of MCNNs.

Please find more information here.


Keynote of Prof. Leon Chua at the CNNA Conference in Catania

Keynote of Prof. Leon Chua (University of California, Berkeley, and Honorary Chair of the CMC) at the CNNA Conference in Catania, 29.09.2021.

Jobs News

PostDoc position available

5-year postdoc position on new high-speed neuromorphic systems for computer vision applications based on optical memristor devices in the team of CMC member Dr Neil Kemp. You find all information on the position here.

Jobs News

PhD position available

3-year postdoc position on the fabrication and characterization of new optical memristor devices in the team of CMC member Dr Neil Kemp. You find all information on the position here.


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